Jazz Festival travel packages are put together by Air Jamaica Vacations ( 800-523-5585, www.airjamaica.com), quad city international airport moline il Alken Tours ( 800-327-9974), and London Elite ( 020-7610-0245). For ticket quad city international airport moline il information and a schedule of events contact the Jazz Shop, 758-451-8566, www.stluciajazz.org.
As you travel south toward Soufri re, take the time to drive slowly along the narrow streets quad city international airport moline il in the little fishing village of Anse La Raye to see the colorful wooden houses and observe the women washing clothes and bathing kids in the river. Residents quad city international airport moline il will return your smiles and waves, and offer to help you find the road to Soufri re, because surely quad city international airport moline il you are lost and do not intend quad city international airport moline il to be in their ordinary little village.
Continue north on the Gros Islet Highway to Rodney quad city international airport moline il Bay, an 80-acre protected lagoon that opens to the sea through a man-made channel cut between Reduit Beach and the village of Gros Islet. The large, modern marina is a popular stop for yachtsmen, and the bay is surrounded by res
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