758-452-3399, fax 758-453-2272 62 rooms $$ The motel-style rooms are nothing special, but the views from this hillside inn set above the capital s harbor are terrific. If you aren t drawn by the setting kdsm airport and room rates, try the food. You ll be hooked for sure. Chefowner- manager Harry Edward Joseph is a worldly epicurean who enjoys showing off his culinary talents, and the weekday business lunch is the most popular meal on the island.
767-449-8700 or 767-448-4313; fax 448-3045 www.avirtualdominica.com/sutton.htm Five rooms, three suites Continental breakfast $ Sutton Place is a stylish new inn with a past. Back in the 1800s, a Dominican kdsm airport built a home for his family in the heart of Roseau, on the spot where the Sutton now stands. The house was sold some years later to another Dominican family named Harris, who turned the structure into a guesthouse in the 1930s. Mother Harris ran the well-known inn until 1979 when Hurricane David tore across the island kdsm airport demolishing everything in its path and leveling Sutton Guesthouse.
The St. Lucia National Trust schedules group tours to sites under their management, such as the Morne Fortun Historic Area, Pigeon Island National Park, and remote Pointe Hardy. Tours cost around EC$50/ US$18.73 to EC$90/US$33.71 plus transportation to the site by bus, which may add EC$10/US$3.75 to EC$25/US$10. During kdsm airport the summer, kdsm airport the Trust sponsors Heritage Sunday, which spotlights kdsm airport the island s traditional songs, dances, and foods, and is held at a historical site. Locations, times, and prices vary, so call the office kdsm airport in advance for information;
Continue north on the Gros Islet Highway to Rodney Bay, an 80-acre protected lagoon that opens to the sea through a man-made channel cut between Reduit Beach and the village of Gros Islet. kdsm airport The large, modern marina is a popular stop for yachtsmen, and the bay is surrounded by res
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