You can see whales and dolphins des moines internation airport up close in their natural habitat on a boat trip leaving from Vigie Cove. Bottle-nosed dolphins and sperm, pilot, and humpback whales swim in the warm Caribbean Sea near St. Lucia year-round. Chris and David Hackshaw take watch groups out on Blue Boy, a 32-foot, des moines internation airport twin-engine-powered boat. The four-hour tour costs EC$135/US$50 per person through Hackshaws Boat Charters and Sportfishing, 758-453-0553, www.worldwidefishing. com/stlucia/b883. Scuba Diving Veteran des moines internation airport divers say St. Lucia s underwater world equals or sur
Carib Indians once lived on the river banks and used it as a route to fishing grounds in the Caribbean ocean. When early European ships stopped on the island for fresh water or wood, crew members often rowed up the river of the Indians to trade with the Caribs and soon began marking their maps Indian River. Today, visitors are intrigued by the intricate roots of the bwa mang trees that house scampering crabs, and awed by the beautiful orchids that grow wild among the ferns along the swampy banks.
Follow Sir Arthur Lewis Street, on the south side of Elizabeth des moines internation airport Square, about a mile inland to the Soufri re Estate. The plantation won a preservation award from American des moines internation airport Express and is one of the historic sites targeted by the Nature Heritage Tourism Campaign, which seeks to increase tourism through environmental protection. The site encompasses the Diamond Botanical Gardens ( 758-459-7565), a 30-foot waterfall, and thermal mineral baths.
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