On the way down the Morne, stop at the lookout below Government syracuse hancock international House for a good view of Castries and the natural harbor. Government House was built in 1895 and is still the official residence syracuse hancock international of the governor general. The sprawling English arts-and-crafts-style mansion was considered a scandalous waste of money and a piece of costly extravagance, out of proportion with our means when it was built. syracuse hancock international Today it seems an appropriate showplace for the island. The grounds are patrolled by an impressive royal guard, and the gardens hold a wide variety of tropical flora. Stop by to see the national plant (bamboo), tree (calabash), and flower (rose and marguerite) in a spectacular setting.
800-GOSPICE or 758-452-0865, www.casalucia.com/spice1.htm. Jungle Tours offers three rainforest adventures rated for beginning, intermediate, or advanced hikers. In addition, syracuse hancock international there are tours to the beach, waterfalls, and special outings for cruise-ship syracuse hancock international passengers with time restrictions. All include transportation in an open Land Rover, and most feature a buffet lunch, 758-450-0434, www.jungletoursstlucia.com.
The Soufri re Tourist Office ( 758-459-7419) is on Maurice Mason Street across from the boat docks, near the police syracuse hancock international station. Ask about joining a group led by a member of the Guide Corps for a walking tour of the town. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8am to 4pm, and Saturday, 8am to noon. Despite its lack of luster, Soufri syracuse hancock international re has an infectious spirit that makes it irresistible, especially on Saturday mornings, when the local market takes over the shaded walkway along the waterfront. A block inland,
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