North of Castries Rodney Bay is a lively area with several good to great restaurants. You can t go wrong at any of them. A string of waterfront eateries overlook Reduit Beach, and still others cluster around the highway. On Friday nights, vendors set up barbecue pits in Gros Islet to feed the hungry jump-up crowd. Plan to eat your way through the street-dancers, and pick up a local beer to accompany your dinner. ithaca airport address
767-445-8537, fax 767-445-8537, ithaca airport address Six units $$$ Six studio apartments are located in three two-story bungalows on a hillside overlooking the Atlantic. Each unit has a bedroom, living ithaca airport address area with TV, full kitchen, private bathroom, and a balcony or patio. There s no air conditioning, but the bungalows are cooled by ocean breezes ithaca airport address and ceiling fans. Windows have screens, but each bed is draped with a mosquito net, just in case. The open-air restaurant serves a wide variety of dishes made with fresh seafood and islandgrown produce. Lovely gardens grow up the hillside and surround the swimming pool.
758-452-3399 French/International $$$$ Daily, 7am to midnight Reservations required Weekdays, this exquisite hotel restaurant serves an inexpensive business lunch from noon to 3 pm. In the evening, a more elaborate four-course dinner is laid out on crisp table linens. Men are required to wear jackets and
English is taught in schools, and the literacy rate on both islands is steadily growing. Cr ole (also spelled Kw y l) is the most used language not only on the streets, but also on local radio and television programs. Don t mistake this hybrid with street slang. According to erudite publications, such as the 14th edition of Ethnologue: Languages of the World, edited by Barbara ithaca airport address F. Grimes, Kw y l has an established orthography (spelling) and grammar, and is used in literary works, newspapers, and by well-educated professionals during business transactions.
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