767-449-9000 www.avirtualdominica.com/cornerhouse/home.htm Monday, 8am to 3:30pm Tuesday through Friday, 8am to 10pm Saturday, 10am to 10pm Sandwiches $ Located on the second floor of a corner building, this cybercaf serves up sandwiches and such with Internet access. Place your order then sign on at a rate of EC$8/US$3 for a half-hour of browsing.
767-448-2896 Monday through Saturday, 8am to 9:30pm Snacks $ The clever name describes this take-out snack bar perfectly. It s a small hole-in-the-wall in the basement of La Robe Cr ole Restaurant that serves up wonderful, inexpensive munchies such as rotis, sandwiches, fruit juices, quick-breads, and salads. This is the ideal stop for picnic supplies, but you can also eat at a small indoor counter. Bring cash, because they don t accept credit cards.
758-459-7666 or 800-600-2688, fax 758-459-7667 www.jalousie-hilton.com 114 rooms and villas moline airport il $$$$ (AI) Surprisingly, this massive resort is almost hidden in the dense foliage that grows on the mountainside between the twin Pitons. The site has won environmental awards and is designated a rainforest nature sanctuary and national marine reserve. Hilton International has put about US$6 million into the resort, which it manages and owns jointly with the St. Lucian government and the original developer.
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