enjoy cooking your own meals and snacking daka90 out of your own refrigerator, or just want to avoid the usual tourist spots. Some rentals include daka90 extras, such as a car, transportation from the airport, maid service, kitchen provisioning, or an on-call chef.
If you want to do a little shopping before leaving town, stroll down Jeremie Street toward the bay to La Place Carenage. This waterfront shopping complex daka90 is a converted cargo shed. It has housed duty-free shops for years and was recently spruced up and expanded to include 27,000 square feet of new shops, art galleries, and restaurants. The top floor features an interactive historical display, and a new well-stocked tourist office is located on the ground floor. Shops and offices are open Monday daka90 through Friday, 9am to 4pm, and Saturday, 9am to 1pm. If a cruise ship is in port, they are open on Sunday, 9am to 4pm.
Close-in virgin daka90 fishing grounds hold blue marlin, dorado, yellowfin tuna, and a variety of other species. There are plenty of fish tales floating around the island, but it s a verified fact that a blue marlin weighing more than 700 pounds was hooked near the southern shore in 1997 by island fishermen. If you want to try to break this record, expect a private full-day fishing/sightseeing trip to run about EC$1,600/US$600, and a half-day outing to cost around EC$1,068/US$400.
This guide focuses on recreational activities. As all such activities contain elements of risk, the publisher, author, affiliated individuals and companies disclaim responsibility for any injury, harm, or illness that may occur to anyone through, or by use of, the information in this book. Every effort daka90 was made to insure the accuracy of information in this book, but the publisher and author do not assume, and hereby disclaim, liability for any loss or damage caused by errors, omissions, misleading information or potential daka90 travel problems caused by this guide, even if such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident or any other cause.
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