that leads to the parking lot at Cabrits National Park. White buoys off the rocky, palm-shaded beach at Douglas Bay mark an underwater snorkeling trail over coral reefs growing on volcanic boulders. Colorful fish hide in the coral and feed off sea grass growing daka90 on the ocean floor. It s a fabulous clear-water wonderland, and, unless a cruise daka90 ship is docked on the island, you may have the whole place to yourself. daka90
758-451-4076, daka90 fax 758-451-4146 Seafood $$ Daily from 10am, open late Reservations recommended Mr. JJ s place is up the hill, a couple of miles outside the bay, on the road from Castries. He runs a friendly restaurant known for serving excellent daka90 fresh fish meals, and since he s not on the bay, his prices are lower. Plan to arrive early most days of the week to beat the lunchtime crowds that come in for the light menu featuring rotis and chicken. Other busy times are Wednesday Seafood Night, and both Friday and Saturday nights when there s live music. Check out the mixed seafood platter, a more-thanmost- can-eat Caribbean-style meal. Other menu choices include curried chicken, grilled fish, and conch.
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