Follow Sir Arthur Lewis Street, on the south side of Elizabeth Square, about a mile inland to the Soufri re Estate. The plantation won a preservation award from American Express and is one of the historic sites targeted by the Nature Heritage Tourism bereavement benefits uk Campaign, which seeks to increase tourism through environmental protection. The site encompasses the Diamond Botanical Gardens ( 758-459-7565), a 30-foot waterfall, bereavement benefits uk and thermal mineral baths.
Back on the west coast road, drive north a short distance bereavement benefits uk to Point Ronde. This is a favorite anchorage area for sailboats, and the rocky shoreline is an ideal hunting ground for shell collectors. North, around the curve of the bay, there s a mile-long stretch of sandy beach and some good snorkeling spots. One of the best is the coral bed growing near the pier at Portsmouth bereavement benefits uk Beach Hotel, south of the Picard River.
The road continues north and is paved to Pennville. There are a couple of interesting sites in that area, if you want to do a little exploring. Ask a resident for directions, or pay one of the children to guide you to Cold Soufri re, an odoriferous sulfur spring similar to the one near Roseau. It comes from a dormant volcano located a short distance by foot from the road. Just south of the village, Pennville Falls cascades from a fracture in a slab of black volcanic rock. The falls are about a 15-minute walk from the road, up a steep hill. You ll need a guide or good directions from one of the villagers to find it.
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