A new website, StLuciaKiteBoarding.com, gives terrific information on surfing in St. Lucia. syracuse hancock international The site owners, along with The Reef Beach Caf ( 758-454-3418, www.slucia.com/reef/), host happy-hour gatherings and parties for vacationing surfers who hang out next door at Club Mistral and Skyriders. Nearby, the Tornado Center links up with the Coastline Beach Bar at Juliette s Lodge ( 758-454 5300, www.julietteslodge. com) to provide food and accommodations for surfers and riders.
Driving is British-style, on the left. There are paved roads to all the main towns and villages, except in the northeast part of the island where most rodas are little more than dirt paths. A four-wheel-drive vehicle is necessary to reach remote areas. Coastal highways are narrow, winding and steep, but in good repair.
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