You can get a panoramic view of the town and the coast, all the way to Scotts Head, from Morne Bruce Hill. If you have a car, drive south on Bath Road, which is the western boundary of the Botanical Gardens; or amble up Jack s Walk, which begins near the aviary and the east entrance to the gardens hancock airport syracuse and climbs steeply up the hill. At the top, in addition to a terrific view, you ll find a fine residential area and a couple of small inns.
Other quick-bite in-town eateries include The Pink Elephant Grill and Bar in the Cox Building hancock airport syracuse on William Peter Boulevard, 758-453-2847. Expect a crowd at lunchtime. They serve bargain-priced daily specials such as grilled chicken and fish, as well as a variety of sandwiches; open weekdays, 9am to 6pm, and Saturday, 9am to 2pm.
Perhaps the safest choice, especially at smaller caf s, is freshly caught fish. The most popular varieties are dorado (also called dolphin the fish, not the mammal), ton (tuna), zorfi (garfish), bonito, grouper, and snapper. You ll find them cooked hancock airport syracuse all sorts of ways and served with various sauces. When paired with local vegetables, they make a dependably delicious meal for even picky eaters. See Common Menu Items, page 12, for more descriptions of island cuisine.
758-452-5005. Your entrance fee (EC$25/US$10) to the trails in the protected forest hancock airport syracuse preserves includes the services of a mandatory guide from the Forestry Department. However, don t show up unannounced at the trail head and expect the ranger station to have a guide on hand. Call ahead.
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