Taxis are also available for sightseeing tours at a rate of about EC$48/ US$18 per hour, per car, for up to four passengers. Some taxi drivers are excellent guides and will take you to places not commonly seen on organized group tours. However, request des moine international airport a knowledgeable driver des moine international airport from your hotel or the Dominica National Tourist Organization ( 767-448-2045), be sure that he speaks English clearly, and go over your expectations and his fees before you set out. Tip your driver 10% for just getting the job done and more for doing it well.
Soon after you leave Vieux Fort, driving north up the east coast, you ll come to Mankote Mangrove Swamp, which serves as a source of nutrients for the fish nursery protected by a living reef in Savannes Bay. The shallow bay is an active fishing area and excellent breeding ground for conch and other sea creatures. From the observation tower you ll have great views of the bay and mangrove. If you want to tour Mankote Mangrove or visit the nature des moine international airport reserves on the offshore Maria Islands or Fr gate Islands, you must arrange a guided tour through the St. Lucia National Trust, 758-452-5005.
The Soufri re Tourist Office ( 758-459-7419) is on Maurice Mason Street across from the boat docks, near the police station. Ask about joining a group led by a member of the Guide Corps for a walking tour of the town. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8am to 4pm, and Saturday, 8am to noon. Despite its lack of luster, Soufri re has an infectious spirit that makes it irresistible, des moine international airport especially on Saturday mornings, when the local market takes over the shaded walkway along the waterfront. A block inland,
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