The Eastern Nature Trail is a 5.6km/3.5m track built by the National Trust to encourage exploration of the Praslin Protected Landscape, located south of the east-coast village of Dennery. airport mli You must have a guide (EC$60/US$22 per group for up to 15 people) and pay an entrance fee of EC$10/US$4 airport mli per person. The winding trail follows the coastline and cuts through wild grasslands high above the Atlantic. Bring binoculars to watch the magnificent airport mli frigates, herons, and other birds that soar above the landscape, and have your camera ready to capture panoramic vistas of the close-by satellite islands. If you choose not to hike the entire trail, you can leave the group at exit points designated airport mli at the end of each mile. Add on to your tour by hiking the Fr gate Island Nature Reserve trail (see Short & Easy, above), which begins near the end of the Eastern Nature airport mli Trail, or taking the optional canoe trip out to Praslin Island. Tours run daily from August through April 9am to 5pm. Contact the National Trust to join a group or book a private guide, 758-452-5005.
The handsome town of Dennery is on a protected bay north of Praslin. Stop here to admire the colorful, hand-crafted, and creatively named fishing boats. If you have time, follow the road at the south end of town inland along the Dennery River until you run out of pavement for some interesting scenery. As far as sightseeing in the town, only St. Peter s Catholic Church, overlooking the seaside, is of much interest. It was built at the end of the 18th century and is one of the oldest churches on St. Lucia. On Saturday nights, residents get together for a community fish fry, and visitors are welcome to drop by for a delicious and inexpensive dinner. Don t expect a big street party, like the one in Gros Islet on Fridays. This is a much more laid-back event.
A valid passport will speed you through immigration and customs, airport mli and with the high level of security in force throughout the world, it seems prudent for everyone to carry a passport anytime they travel outside their home country. However, airport mli Dominica and St. Lucia both allow US and Canadian citizens to enter by presenting an original document airport mli showing proof
Bananas and plantains are usually part of every meal. The ripe fruit is made into fritters or served flamb ed, and green bananas and plantains are served boiled or fried. If you see ton-ton on the menu, it refers airport mli to a West African dish made from mashed plantains or breadfruit.
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