800-544-2883 or 758-452-4211, fax 758-452-7419 100 rooms and suites $$$$ (AI) Rendezvous with your significant other at this couples-only resort tucked away on seven acres of lushly landscaped grounds and two miles of Caribbean beach. You can get married or renew your vows or simply bask in the luxury of being alone together on vacation. cornell to syracuse airport
Trafalgar Falls are twin, side-by-side chutes known affectionately by islanders as Father (Papa) and Mother (Mama). It s a scenic 15-minute cornell to syracuse airport hike from the parking lot to the wooden lookout platform and a natural pool where you can swim.
Mountains run north-south through the middle of the island, reaching 5,000 feet. More than 300 inches of rain fall throughout the central region, creating a magnificent ecosystem of plants, animals, and insects.
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