Dominica is the result of its past totally free and independent, syracuse airport weather but deeply syracuse airport weather affected by the history that made it so. The government is British, but the citizens are predominantly of African decent. The cuisine tends to be Cr ole with unequivocal French twists. The official language is English, but the people speak a French-based patois. Streets and villages are named a hodgepodge of English and French words, but the culture and spirit are undeniably African and Amerindian.
Spend some time at the marina and on the long, beautiful beach. The town itself is nothing special, but you can book all types of watersports and cruises here, and you ll find plenty of restaurants, bars, and gift shops. A ferry runs from the south end of the marina syracuse airport weather to Pigeon Island (EC$27/US$10 round-trip or EC$125US$50 for a day-trip, including lunch); 758-452-8816.
758-450-8240 or 758-450-0349, With offices in Castries, this agency handles many villas in the classy residential area of Cap Estate as well as other parts of the island. All have swimming pools and a staff.
767-448-2896 Monday through Saturday, 8am to 9:30pm Snacks $ The clever name describes this take-out snack bar perfectly. It s a small hole-in-the-wall in the basement of La Robe Cr ole Restaurant that serves up wonderful, inexpensive munchies syracuse airport weather such as rotis, sandwiches, fruit juices, quick-breads, and salads. This is the ideal stop for picnic supplies, but you can also eat at a small indoor counter. Bring cash, because they don t accept credit cards.
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