Dive Fair Helen is affiliated with Neal Watson Undersea Adventures, and has shops at Vigie Marina (adjacent to Pointe Seraphine Mall), Marigot Beach Club (on Marigot Bay), and Ti Kaye Village (at Anse Cochon); 758-451-7716, www.divefairhelen.com.
Mistral Windsurfing Center ( 758-454-3418) rents equipment and gives lessons. The Reef Beach Caf (same phone number) serves seafood and great drinks, and you can check your e-mail at their Internet stations.
Other Arawakan tribes known as Caribs moved into the Antilles region sometime after 800 AD. They were a fierce, belligerent people who traveled through the Caribbean in small groups, sometimes made up of only family members. They lived in little wooden huts arranged around a central fire pit, which was probably the site of tribal meetings.
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