Now that a causeway standby relocations connects Pigeon Point to the main island, the St. Lucia National Trust, 758-452-5005, has restored some of the buildings standby relocations and developed the entire area into an attractive park. You ll want to allow plenty of time to wander along the winding paths, explore standby relocations the ruins that are scattered over 44 acres, linger on the two beaches, and visit the museum. You will have wonderful panoramic views from many places inside the park, but one of the most spectacular is the same one English troops had of Martinique from the well-preserved fort at the top of Rodney Hill. From there, you can walk less than a mile up to Signal Peak for another sensational view back at St. Lucia and across both the Atlantic standby relocations and Caribbean waters.
758-452-3399 French/International $$$$ Daily, 7am to midnight Reservations required Weekdays, this exquisite hotel restaurant serves an inexpensive standby relocations business lunch from noon to 3 pm. In the evening, a more elaborate four-course dinner is laid out on crisp table linens. standby relocations Men are required standby relocations to wear jackets and
Reduit Beach (say red-wee) forms the eastern arm of sheltered Rodney standby relocations Bay lagoon. It s a spectacular beach with soft, deep, beige sand and tranquil water that draws tourists from the ultra-chic St. Lucian and Royal St. Lucian resorts. You can get a drink at the resorts waterside bars or rent equipment from their sports centers. Parasailing and windsurfing
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