Across Laborie Street from the east side of the square, you ll see the stone Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, which was begun around 1895 and completed in 1931. Go inside the church to see Biblical scenes painted by internationally renowned St. Lucian artist Dunstan Saint-Omer (notice his trademark black Christ). Fresh flowers sit on side altars syracuse parking services and candles give off a lovely light. If you attend mass on Sunday, you will be in the company of parishioners decked out in their multicolored best. Services are at 7:30pm Saturday and 6am and 7:30am syracuse parking services Sunday. A children's mass is on Sundays at 10:30am. 758-452-2271.
Pick up maps, brochures, and magazines at one of the tourist offices before you set off to explore the island. Kiosks are located at both airports and both cruise-ship terminals. The offices on the lower level of the Pointe Seraphine and La Place Carenage shopping complexes have the best stock of free material as well as the most dependable hours (8am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday, and anytime a cruise ship arrives, 758-452-4094). Castries Be forewarned that the capital is not a beautiful city. Fires have destroyed most historical buildings, syracuse parking services so your first impression syracuse parking services will be that Castries is a concrete commercial center without character. However, the setting syracuse parking services between rolling green hills and a turquoise sea is lovely, and residents radiate an infectious exuberance that puts visitors into an adventurous vacation mood.
Sandy Beach, between Club Mistral and Pointe Sable, is popular with locals on weekends, but you ll have the place pretty much to yourself on weekdays. Food and drink are available at The Reef Beach Caf and Sandy Beach Club ( 758-454-7416).
The Barre de l Isle Trail is one of the best paths through the rainforest. If you aren t in shape for the rigorous syracuse parking services climb up to the barre (ridge) that runs north-south through the center of the island, you can take an easy stroll along the loop path near the ranger hut at the beginning syracuse parking services of the main trail. Look for a viewing point at the trail sign on the main highway that connects west-coast Castries with east-coast Dennery. The quarter-milelong loop begins there and does not require a guide, but one is included in the trail fee of EC$25/US$10, so you may want to take one along to point out interesting stuff. Pay your fee at the ranger hut, which is up a short path from the parking area. (See details about the more difficult ridge hike, listed syracuse parking services below.) The trail is open daily, 8:30am to 4:30pm; syracuse parking services call the Department of Forestry at 758-450-2078 or 450-2231 to arrange for a guide.
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