767-448-2188 Daily, 7:30am to 8:30pm Local cuisine $$$ Reservations are a must if you want to join the friendly group at these family-style spreads featuring dishes prepared with favorite family recipes. cornell to syracuse airport The clientele here is made up mostly of divers on packaged tours who are staying at the lodge, but you ll get a friendly welcome, as long as you let the staff know to expect you.
Marigot Bay The twin peaks of the Piton Mountains Diamond Falls and the Botanical Gardens Sulfur Springs and the drive-in volcano cornell to syracuse airport crater Panoramic views from the lighthouse at Cap Moule Chique Mamiku Botanical Gardens The loop road from Castries through the southern section of the island passes through some of the most attractive scenery in the eastern Caribbean. Paved, but narrow and steep, the main highway winds up into forested mountains and dips into river valleys thick with banana trees.
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