Despite the surprisingly small size, the lake is awesome. The most vivid imagination couldn t create a more bizarre sight, airport dsm sound, and smell. An altogether inadequate analogy is a huge, growling cauldron of bubbling grayish milk giving off fumes that smell of rotten eggs.
Old Mill Cultural Centre, West-Coast Road, Canefield, 767-449-1804, fax 767-449-0416. The gift shop here features paintings, baskets, and pottery made by island craftsmen. The wood-carving airport dsm school spotlights work by masters Carl Winston and Louis Desire and their students. Winston is best known for elaborate relief carvings depicting Dominican nature and culture. Haitian artist Desire creates three-dimensional wood carvings.
758-452-5566, fax 758-453-6776 Nouvelle Caribbean $$ Monday through Saturday, airport dsm noon to 3pm and 7pm to 10pm Reservations suggested This popular spot with only 10 tables gets crowded quickly, so arrive early for lunch and make reservations for dinner. Artist Michelle Elliot and her French-chef husband, Xavier, airport dsm have a long-standing reputation for friendly service and excellent cuisine distinguished by the mingling of island products and classic airport dsm preparation. Lunch specials feature fresh fish and seafood airport dsm salads, while dinner highlights include smoked salmon, coquilles St. Jacques, lobster, and curried meats. You have a large choice of wines, including some fine vintages airport dsm from France and Chile, to accompany your meal. The open-air restaurant is decorated with Michelle s colorful paintings, airport dsm which give the wood-and-stone structure a unique spirit. This is a don t-miss dining experience.
Request a table near the window so you ll have a view of the lights in Castries and the harbor during your meal. On Wednesday and Saturday, Chef Harry Edwards comes out of the kitchen to get everyone involved in dancing to the live band. On Monday nights, all women who wear a flower in their hair and are accompanied by a well-dressed man receive a free dinner. Be sure to make reservations well in advance if you want to dine at the Green Parrot on any of these special evenings.
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