Tuesday, July 24, 2012

moline international airport Despite the ban on hunting sea turtles, you may see products made from their shiny shells in markets

Art lovers will want to stop at the studio and gallery of internationally known artist, Llewelyn Xavier. It s housed in a white building on your left just past the second traffic moline international airport circle, as you drive in from the south ( 758-450-9155). The gallery moline international airport also shows a selection of works by other St. Lucian artists, including Derek Walcott (his Nobel Prize is for literature, but he is a man of many talents) and Roy Lawaetz.

Despite the ban on hunting sea turtles, you may see products made from their shiny shells in markets. Don t buy them! The leatherback turtle is the largest in the world it can grow to eight feet and 2,000 pounds. Long flippers extend from its black leathery shell. Green turtles have round, smooth shells and a blunt beak with serrated edges. It grows to be about four feet and 500 pounds. Hawksbill turtles have a pointed beak and a brown, gold, and yellow shell. Adults often measure three feet and weigh up to 175 pounds. moline international airport Loggerhead turtles have a large head and tapered shell. They grow to an average of four feet and their weight tops out at about 400 pounds.

Several moline international airport agencies maintain web sites that make it easy to track tropical storms as they develop, including the National Weather Service s Tropical Prediction Center on the campus of Florida State University in Miami, www.nhc.noaa.gov, and The Caribbean Hurricane Network, which posts reports from correspondents living on the islands, www.stormcarib.com.

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