best examples of a rainforest (a tropical evergreen area that receives at least 100 inches of rain per year), montane forest (dense vegetation and trees above 2,000 feet on a mountain), and elfin woodlands (stunted growth above 3,000 feet found on mountain peaks with high winds and shallow soil).
Meals (additional charge) des moines international airport address are served des moines international airport address on the patio or indoor dining room, and there s a plunge pool with bar service. You can spend days hiking the trails des moines international airport address in and around the inn, and it s possible to snorkel des moines international airport address in sheltered water off the rocky coast. If you should decide to venture out, Linda and Tony will help you plan sightseeing tours and hiking or diving trips.
The Piton Restaurant and Bar, located midway up the hill, has grand views, and the beachside Trou-au-Diable restaurant is handy for lunch or snacks. Each week the resort throws a party and cookout on the beach featuring a steel band.
758-452-2747 Seafood and steaks $$$$ Monday through Friday, des moines international airport address 11am to 2pm and 6:30 to 9:30pm Saturday and Sunday, 6:30 to 9:30pm Reservations required The views of Castries and the harbor are spectacular at this cozy restaurant. The food is outstanding, but portions are on the small side. You pay for the ambiance and views. The wine list is impressive and pricey.
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