Sea turtles breathe air but live in warm oceans except when the females come onto land to lay eggs. All species of these large turtles are endangered, and require 15 to 50 years to reach a reproductive age, so their nesting grounds on sandy beaches are protected by wildlife societies.
758-451-4974, fax 758-451-4973 Eclectic $$ Daily, 6:30am to 10pm Actually, the entire north side of Marigot Bay is called Doolittles des moines international airport phone number because of the movie that was filmed here, but the name is claimed specifically by this waterside restaurant known for its barbequed meats. Breakfast is standard waffles or eggs with bacon or sausage, and the dinner menu includes fish or meat with a choice of interesting des moines international airport phone number sauces. A ferry will transport you from the Marigot des moines international airport phone number Bay Marina across the lagoon to the restaurant s north shore dock, which is accessible only by boat.
767-449-1042, fax 767-449-1042 10 rooms $$ Jeane James is an American-educated Dominican woman and hummingbird enthusiast who owns and operates this homey eco-inn perched on a cliff overlooking the sea between Roseau and Canefield. (Find it at the end of a steep driveway des moines international airport phone number south of the gas station des moines international airport phone number on the main coastal road.) Rock-A-Way Beach is a short walk down the hill, and the inland cross-island road is nearby.
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