Man K t Beach is being upgraded by the National Trust and may be in prime condition by the time you visit. It s a small area next to the ecologically sensitive mangrove swamp, just north of Pointe Sable. There are better beaches, but this one is shaded and usually unoccupied.
Leatherback turtles lay their eggs in the sand on secluded northeast-coast beaches from March through June. You can witness this spectacular ritual on Grande Anse Beach by joining des moines municipal airport an all- night watch sponsored by Heritage Tours, 758-451-6220, St. Lucia
758-451-4974, fax 758-451-4973 Eclectic $$ Daily, 6:30am to 10pm Actually, the entire north side of Marigot Bay is called Doolittles because of the movie that was filmed here, but the name is claimed specifically by this waterside restaurant known for its barbequed meats. Breakfast is standard waffles or eggs with bacon or sausage, and the dinner menu includes fish or meat with a choice des moines municipal airport of interesting sauces. A ferry will transport you from the Marigot Bay Marina across the lagoon to the restaurant s north shore dock, which is accessible only by boat.
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