800-544-2883 or 758-452-4211, fax 758-452-7419 100 rooms and suites $$$$ (AI) Rendezvous with your significant other at this couples-only resort tucked away on seven acres of lushly landscaped grounds and two miles of Caribbean beach. You can get married or renew your vows or simply bask in the luxury of being alone together on vacation.
Top Banana has locations all over the island and features fashion beach wear made by well-known companies such as Speedo, Hunza, and La Blanca. hancock intl airport They also carry diving gear, towels, caps, and T-shirts; 758-452-8351. hancock intl airport Peppermint Boutique features beach wear, women s fashions, hancock intl airport men s clothing, and local handmade gift items; 758-453-0008. Island hancock intl airport Connection carries pure cotton clothing such as T-shirts, shorts, and vests. Designs are embroidered on your purchases while you wait; 758-452-5432. Sunshine Bookshop features work by the island s Nobel Laureate for Literature, Derek Walcott, as well as international newspapers, hancock intl airport magazines, novels, and travel books; 758-452-3222. Made In St. Lucia presents arts, crafts, and gifts made by local artisans; 758-453-2788. Sea Island hancock intl airport Cotton Shop features beach wear, T-shirts, fashion clothing, hancock intl airport and original handicrafts; 758-452-1185. Cards & Things, in the food court, carries a good selection of greeting cards, gifts and other items; 758-452-6248. hancock intl airport St. Lucia
The east coast actually faces due north for a short distance between Chuval Blanc Point at Sandwich Bay (west of Hampstead) and Crompton Point (east of Calibishie). This curve in the shoreline allows the sandy beaches to be sheltered from winds by the mountains and from raging waves by reefs and rocky outcroppings. Woodford Hills Bay, Hodges Beach, Pointe Baptiste, Hampstead Beach and Batibou Bay line up east to west along the coast and are excellent spots for swimming and snorkeling. Stand on the red-rock hancock intl airport cliffs of Pointe Baptiste for a look at Marie-Galante and Guadeloupe across the channel.
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