Tuesday, July 24, 2012

americar syracuse Don t get caught at the airport without cash to pay your departure tax. Plan to have the exact amoun

ators rent kayaks and scuba equipment to certified divers who want to paddle out to a nearby americar syracuse dive site. If you re not certified, americar syracuse you can still rent a kayak and snorkeling equipment to explore the shoreline and seek out isolated coves for snorkeling americar syracuse and swimming.

Don t get caught at the airport without cash to pay your departure tax. Plan to have the exact amount in either americar syracuse Eastern Caribbean or US dollars to prevent delays and avoid receiving change in local currency. Dominica charges departing visitors US$20/EC$50; St. Lucia s departure tax is US$22/EC$54. Children under 12 years of age are exempt. Suspicious Stuff Don t try to take more than $10,000 out of or into the US without reporting your intent to the Customs Service well in advance of travel. Customs regulations are complicated and subject to change, so it s difficult to list specific rules, but the following generalities are offered as an unofficial americar syracuse guideline. Although the personal exemption for US citizens returning from most foreign destinations is $800, the duty-free limit remains at $600 if you are returning from one of the 24 Caribbean Basin countries, including Dominica and St. Lucia. (The limit is $1,200 when returning americar syracuse from the US Virgin Islands.) If you arrive americar syracuse back with new items worth more than the allowable credit, you will be charged a flat rate of 10% on the excess.

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